Happy Hollow Family Referral Program
It is simple:
Spread the word about Happy Hollow Children’s Center.
Have the family you refer tell us your name.
When the new family enrolls, we will apply a credit to your account after 30 days of enrollment.
How much?
$100 credit per family for full time enrollment*
$50 per family for part time enrollment*
What if we refer more than 1 family or siblings?
If 2 full time families and/or siblings enroll within 30 days, YOUR family will receive a $175 tuition credit. If you refer 2 part time families and/or siblings within 30 days, YOUR family will receive a $100 tuition credit. *
Who qualifies?
Any new family who is currently not enrolled at Happy Hollow Children's Center.
Only currently enrolled families at Happy Hollow are eligible for tuition credit.
*$100 credit is applied for full time enrollment to your account after a new student is enrolled for 30 days.
*$50 credit is applied for part time enrollment to your account after a new student is enrolled for 30 days.